
ACE-031 | 1.66mg
Код Товара: dtsp-105776
Наличие: В наличии
Производитель: Pen Peptide
4653 ₴

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What is ACE-031?

ACE-031 is a peptide that represents an artificially produced segment of the myostatin receptor (ActRIIB). In the human body, myostatin plays a key role in regulating muscle growth by acting as an inhibitor. This means that in the presence of myostatin, muscle development and growth are limited.

The active receptor ActRIIB binds to myostatin, preventing its action. ACE-031, as a segment of this receptor, mimics this process. When applied in the body, ACE-031 "captures" free myostatin before it can bind to its receptors on the surface of muscle cells. Thus, the peptide inhibits the action of myostatin in the body.

It is important to note that ACE-031 is the subject of research and studies for its potential applications in various medical and sports fields.

What are the benefits of Peptide ACE-031?

  • Muscle Growth Support: By blocking the action of myostatin, the ACE-031 peptide can stimulate an increase in muscle mass.
  • Improved Physical Performance: With increased muscle mass and strength, physical performance can be enhanced.
  • Reversal of Muscle Atrophy: This peptide may help in reversing conditions related to muscle fatigue or atrophy.
  • Improvement in Osteoporosis: There are preliminary indications that ACE-031 may have a favorable impact on bone density.
  • Support for Muscle Dystrophy Treatment: The peptide may play a role in maintaining or restoring muscle function in certain types of muscle dystrophies.
  • Enhanced Metabolism: The increased muscle mass induced by ACE-031 can contribute to an elevated basal metabolic rate.
  • Maintenance of Healthy Body Composition: By stimulating the growth of lean muscles, ACE-031 can aid in achieving and maintaining a healthier body composition.
  • Improvement in the Treatment of Certain Metabolic Disorders: ACE-031 may have potential in the treatment of certain metabolic disorders related to muscle function or mass.
  • Reducing Age-Related Muscle Loss: The peptide may assist in combating the natural loss of muscle mass associated with aging.
  • Improvement in Certain Cardiovascular Conditions: Thanks to its potential effects on muscle mass and metabolism, ACE-031 may have a favorable impact on the cardiovascular system.

Clinical Trials of ACE-031 and Their Results:

ACE-031, a highly researched peptide with the potential to stimulate muscle growth, has been the subject of several clinical trials to determine its effectiveness, safety, and potential applications. Here is a brief overview of some of these studies and their results:

Healthy Volunteer Trial: In one of the initial trials of ACE-031 conducted on healthy volunteers, it was found that the peptide intake led to an increase in muscle mass and improved muscle function.

Muscle Dystrophy: Clinical trials on users with Duchenne muscular dystrophy showed that ACE-031 intake could lead to improved muscle function and a slowing of the disease's progression.

Safety and Tolerability: Various studies have focused on the safety profile of ACE-031 (the peptide). While most volunteers reported good tolerability, some mild side effects were noted.

Osteoporosis and Bone Density: Studies have shown that ACE-031 may have a favorable effect on bone density and the potential for osteoporosis treatment. However, this possibility requires further testing.

Age-Related Muscle Loss: Some studies aim to determine if ACE-031 can be used as a potential treatment for age-related muscle loss and strength decline.

The results of clinical trials of Peptide ACE-031 are promising, but it is important to emphasize that more extensive and long-term studies are still needed to determine the full potential and safety of the peptide.

Proper Use and Dosage of ACE 031:

Recommended dosage: From 1 to 3 micrograms per kilogram of body weight. One unit of the peptide is equivalent to 16.6 micrograms. It is taken daily for a period of approximately 15-20 days.

Example of ACE-031 intake by a user weighing 90 kg: 90 kg x 2 micrograms = 180 micrograms daily, which is equal to 11 units per day (considering that one unit is equal to 16.6 micrograms).

Possible Side Effects of ACE-031:

Like any active substance, supplement, or medication, ACE 031 may cause some side effects. It is important for every user to be informed and consult with a specialist before use. Here are some of the possible side effects:

Skin Reactions: Some users have reported redness or mild irritation at the injection site.

Headaches: In some cases, mild headaches may occur after taking ACE-031.

Muscle Pain: Temporary muscle pain or weakness can be encountered, especially after the initial doses.

Fatigue: Some users have reported fatigue after starting ACE-031 therapy.

Mild Gastrointestinal Disturbances have also been rarely associated with peptide intake.

If you have any doubts or experience symptoms, it is advisable to consult a medical specialist or discontinue the use of the peptide.

Application of ACE-031 in Sports:

In the world of sports, ACE-031 is attractive to many athletes and fitness enthusiasts due to its potential properties. Here's how ACE-031 is used in a sports context:

Increase in Muscle Mass: The primary reason many athletes turn to ACE 031 is its ability to stimulate muscle growth. This is crucial for weightlifters, bodybuilders, and other athletes seeking to increase their muscle mass.

Improved Performance: With increased muscle mass and strength, athletes can achieve better performance in their discipline by improving their personal records and achievements.

Recovery from Injuries: ACE-031 can help accelerate the recovery process after muscle injuries or surgeries, which is essential for professional athletes.

Enhanced Endurance: Although the main focus is on increasing muscle mass, some report improved endurance in workouts and competitions after taking ACE-031.

Optimizing Body Composition: Many seek to reduce their body fat percentage while increasing their muscle mass. ACE 031 can assist in this direction, contributing to a more defined and toned appearance.

Support during Intensive Training Cycles: Athletes preparing for competitions or undergoing particularly intense training periods often look for ways to maintain or even increase their muscle mass and strength. ACE-031 can provide such support.

ACE-031 is used in sports due to a range of promising properties related to muscle growth and overall physical performance. However, it is important for athletes to be aware that consultation with a specialist is recommended before starting the use of this peptide.

Why Choose Pen Peptide?

If you're looking for the highest quality ACE-031 peptide with over 99% purity, is one of the best places to order it online. Pen Peptide is a brand specializing in the synthesis of highly purified peptides manufactured for scientific research and development. We provide peptides produced in reputable laboratories.

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